Thursday, 18 January 2007

WikiSeek the newest search engine

New searches can be performed now with WikiSeek, a search engine that goes through only Wikipedia sites, meaning also those sites that are linked to from WikiPedia.

Actually WikiPedia also has its own internal search engine, therefore the real news is that WikiSeek allows you to run through Wikipedia's pages and links that have been previously indexed. What is expected is more refined, spam-free quality search results. By the way WikiSeek must not be mistaken for Wikiasari the search engine that was announced by Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales in December 2006.
From the graphic standpoint the results will give a "tag cloud" so much in fashion in these days, that will show all those Wikipedia categories that refer to the searched word. The tag cloud allows you to filter via these categories. WikiSeek has also a search plugin for FireFox, IE7 and Opera. Moreover it has Firefox extension that adds a WikiSearch button to the search box: once you click that button you will see WikiSeek’s Wikipedia-only results.
It is important to add that SearchMe, the California based company that has developed WikiSeek will donate a fair amount of those revenues generated from advertising on WikiSeek to the Wikimedia Foundation.

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