Saturday, 20 January 2007

Generate PDF with pure PHP

FPDF is a very useful PHP class that allows you to to create PDF files from your web site. This means that your readers can download PDF files from your web pages. FPDF is freeware, there is no usage restriction, meaning that you may embed it freely in your application (commercial or not), with or without modification.
FPDF is friendly to use and set up. Follow its 7 detailed tutorials and you will become accustomed with its potentiality and start using it. You can also benefit of its scripts library that will give you some useful extensions (such as bookmarks, rotations, tables, barcodes...). An interesting forum will also provide you some hints, suggestions and ideas on how to improve its use.

FPDF allows you to monitor the entire PDF creation from logo to margins, layout, and printing. Moreover the original default template can be customised and changed in order to solve your problems and needs. The class can produce documents in many languages other than the Western European such as Central European, Cyrillic, Greek, Baltic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Thai, provided that you own TrueType or Type1 fonts with the desired character set.
FPDF requires no extensions (except zlib to activate compression) and works with PHP4 and PHP5: so the only must is a recent version of PHP on your web server.
The entire documentation for the software is rich and available on line, although it is advisable to read its FAQ before starting any use.

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